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1. Treatment of injured teeth (at school, home, traffic accidents etc.)
2. Extraction of impacted teeth
3. TMJ dysfunction (Michigan type splint, protection of teeth by injured at sports etc.)
4. Detection and initial diagnosis of oral cancer, oral tissue diseases etc. → Referral to the some relative Hospital
5. Periodontal surgery (for cases of severe periodontitis)


We opening in a responsible way, with stringent processes and hygiene measures in place.
We perform infection prophylaxis as much as possible.
The obligation to wear masks in public facilities has been lifted, but there are some patients at our clinic who are high risk of infection, such as the elderly person. 
So, please continue to be wearing a mask at the time of your visit.

We have to do infection control, especially the 3Cs

( Closed・Crowded・Close-contact​) must be avoided.

So, we make reservations at intervals for a while.
Thank you for understanding cooperation!

むし歯・歯周病治療|武蔵境の歯医者・歯科|歯科川崎医院 |武蔵野市|口腔外科|小児歯科|予防歯科|ホワイトニング|妊娠中の歯科治療|土曜診療|英語対応

Tokyo Metropolitan First Aid Clinic Information

( When we close)

TEL: 03-5285-8181

Tokyo Metropolitan Reception Medical Institution for Foreigners




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  • むし歯・歯周病治療|武蔵境の歯医者・歯科|歯科川崎医院 |武蔵野市|口腔外科|小児歯科|予防歯科|ホワイトニング|妊娠中の歯科治療|土曜診療|英語対応






東京都武蔵野市境2-2-18 MHビル2F

ホワイトニング|武蔵境の歯医者・歯科 | 歯科川崎医院 | クレジットカード|セラミック|CAD/CAM冠|バネのない入れ歯|白い被せ物|ネット予約
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